Psychiatry and mental health narratives have changed extensively over the last centuries. Today, treatment and recovery of mental disorders go hand in hand with promotion and prevention and there is an increased interest in rehabilitation and psycho-social interventions. Yet this was not always the case – these fields of research and intervention have had intricate connections either running in parallel or in confluence but also sometimes in conflict.
Bound in the history of Psychiatry is a search for an identity which has been complex and ultimately was reached by a compromise between empirical and non-empirical vectors coming from neurobiological, psychological and social inputs. Today these have informed public health policies which all aim at the same goal – reaching the highest possible mental wellbeing.
Please join us in Lisbon, Portugal, 21-24 August 2019 to examine and discuss all these crucial issues in psychiatry and mental health, listening to numerous keynote lectures that convoy our present scientific and technological revolution. Certainly, you will profit from up-to-date research data, the best lectures from experts in all fields, a high quality scientific content, interaction between professionals, users and carers, and relevant peer-to-peer networking. Furthermore, whether your contribution is in the field of psychopathology, biologic psychiatry, pharmacotherapy, psychiatric training, psychotherapy, social psychiatry, rehabilitation, prevention or services organization it will surely be vital to further our knowledge.
Lisbon is considered among the most beautiful cities in Europe surprising all newcomers and affectionately saluting frequent visitors. You have the chance to enjoy Portugal which has been consistently, over the last years, an award-winning travel destination for its amazing historical patrimony, it’s culture, natural wonders and the warm-welcoming Portuguese people.
In our Congress you will find a kind-hearted reception, informed scientific discussions, great networking prospects and enjoyable cultural and gastronomical events.
We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon in the summer of 2019.

Helen Herrman, Australia
WPA PresidentProfessor of Psychiatry at Orygen, National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, and The University of Melbourne. She is President of the World Psychiatric Association and immediate Past President of the International Association of Women’s Mental Health and the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatry. She has received a number of civil and professional awards including appointment as Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) and honorary Doctor of Medical Science from The University of Melbourne.
Helen Herrman, Australia
WPA President
Maria Luísa Figueria, Portugal
Supervisory Board MemberJubilated Professor of Psychiatry and former Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. She has been invited to lecture in the main psychiatric meetings in Portugal and in European Congresses and published more than 200 papers in National and International Journals.
Maria Luísa Figueria, Portugal
Supervisory Board Member
Pedro Varandas, Portugal
Organizing Committee ChairClinical Director of “Casa de Saúde da Idanha” and “Clínica Psiquiátrica de São José”, two main Psychiatric Hospitals in Lisbon, accounting in total for 720 beds. PEDRO VARANDAS is the current Vice-President of the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SPPSM), position held since November 2015.